
US Trip 2021-2022

Quick summary and requests for our upcoming visit:

  • We will be coming back to the US for Christmas 2021 and January 2022.

  • I will be visiting with supporters and working on support maintenance.

  • I will focus on our up-coming 1-time campaign, stay tuned for more info!

  • We are looking for a vehicle we can use for local Chattanooga use, only. Please let me know if you know of any options or good deals on car rental.

  • Another need is for a cell phone for Tathiana. She is used to iPhones, so a good quality, used iPhone is preferred, if anyone is looking for a good place for their used iPhone!

Isaac and His Senses (ENGLISH)

Hello, my friends, this is Tathiana. I hope that you are all healthy and strengthened in Christ. The time has come again where I felt led to share a bit about our family's life in general, and, especially, about Isaac.

Recently, we decided to visit an Occupational Therapy clinic with Isaac to address some ongoing issues that we have noticed could be getting more rigid (hypersensibility to water on his face, fear of learning to ride his bike, aversion to smells and noises, difficulty paying attention, among others). After 10 sessions of evaluation with a highly qualified professional, we have received some answers. He presents some characteristics of Asperger's Syndrome, of which we already were aware, and has clear signs of Sensory Processing Disorder.

In summary, Isaac processes sensory stimuli differently than others. This includes the commonly referred to “5 senses”, and also the Vestibular System (balance) and the Proprioceptive System (orientation of one's own body and members in space). Occupational Therapy seeks to help him mature his senses and how he processes them, which has been naturally difficult for him due to his Disorder. Below is an example, as seen in the chart. You can see how it is a challenge for him to collaborate sensory stimuli that are processed visually and converted into motor-skills. The Visual-Motor Integration (VMI) is low in relation to his age group (8 years), much like the development of his Fine Motor Skills (Motor). However, his visual perception is equal to that of a 16 year-old!

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The Speech Therapy evaluation also revealed a particular challenge for Isaac in his verbal expression. In all honesty, we had observed this challenge over the years, but the report helped us understand how it happens. Also, we saw how Isaac has difficulty processing and organizing what he hears. However, what really weighed on our hearts was hearing the Speech Therapist say that Isaac must suffer by not being capable of expressing what he would like to say. 

The result of all this, practically, is that Isaac will continue to have 2 x 1-hour Occupational Therapy sessions per week, and, also, begin to add 2 x 1-hour Speech Therapy sessions per week, also. The clinic is privately owned, so the sessions will be our financial responsibility - Isaac's Brazilian health insurance does not cover this out-of-network expense. This will be an unexpected and significant increase to our financial reality.

Our kids have been having 100% online school since March of 2020, and I honestly do not think in-person classes will be back this entire year of 2021. Because of Isaac's specific difficulties and challenges, online classes have been a very stressful and exhausting experience for him and for me (Tathiana). I would say that Isaac retains approximately 20% of the lessons he watches online, because when I help him with his homework, I realize that he knows a very small amount of the lesson that has already been covered multiple times by his teacher. This, and adding the fact that his reading level is falling behind, his vocabulary is limited and he has a harder than usual difficulty understanding and interpreting the meaning of texts in his lessons and homework. 

I admire my friends who have taken on the challenge of homeschooling. Unfortunately this is not my reality, nor the reality that fits into our family nor our context. I, simply, cannot do it and I would dare to say that Isaac doesn't want me as his teacher! We are asking for your prayers to decide how to proceed with Isaac's education in the middle of a global pandemic. We are even considering removing him from school during the online reality and hiring a private tutor, but we must weigh the pros and cons of this decision. The uncertainty of it all really weighs on me.

We are in the worst moment of the pandemic here in Belo Horizonte, facing near lockdown, city-wide curfew, closed public spaces, hospitals close to collapsing and the daunting perspective of maintaining 100% online classes for the rest of 2021. I don't want this update to carry a tone of complaining, but, yes, of opening my heart to friends who care. Sometimes I think I'm going to go crazy; I cry, then I remember these two things: first, “'Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Hebrews 4:16). Second, that we are healthy in the midst of so many who are not and who do not have hope beyond this life. Amen!

Thank you for giving us this opportunity to share 🙏.

Tathiana Elam

Prayer requests:

  • God to provide ways for the clinical and scholastic assistance to fit within our budget.

  • Mental and emotional health for us and the kids.

  • Physical health for us all.

  • Spiritual protection from invisible attacks of The enemy against our family.

Isaac e Seus Sentidos (PORTUGUÊS)

Olá meus amigos, aqui é a Tathiana. Espero que vocês estejam saudáveis e fortalecidos em Cristo. Mais uma vez senti vontade de compartilhar um pouco sobre nossas vidas em geral e, especialmente, sobre Isaac.

Recentemente decidimos colocar Isaac para fazer terapia ocupacional para tratar algumas questões velhas nele e que tem se tornado mais rígidas (incômodo da água nos olhos, medo de andar de bicicleta, aversão a cheiros e barulhos, falta de atenção, entre outros). Depois de 10 sessões avaliativas com uma profissional muito capacitada, recebemos respostas. Ele tem características de Asperger, que já sabíamos, e tem sinais de Disfunção de Integração Sensorial.

Resumidamente, Isaac tem uma forma diferente dos outros de processar os estímulos sensoriais. Isso inclui os 5 sentidos comuns, o sistema vestibular (equilíbrio) e o sistema proprioceptivo (orientação dos membros do corpo no espaço). O tratamento de TO visa ajudá-lo a trabalhar os sentidos e o processamento para ele poder amadurecer o que tem sido difícil naturalmente pelo desafio de desordem sensorial. Abaixo, o quadro exemplifica o desafio que ele encara para a colaboração entre o que ele percebe visualmente, e como o seu corpo engaja com o estímulo. A integração viso-motora (VMI) é abaixo da média para sua idade, parecida com o desenvolvimento de habilidade motora fina (Motor). Porém a sua percepção visual é igual a de um adolescente de 16 anos!

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A avaliação fonoaudiológica também mostrou um desafio para o Isaac no campo da expressão. Isso, de verdade, é algo que reparamos há muito tempo, mas o relatório ajuda a entender como acontece. Também, vemos que Isaac tem dificuldade processando e organizando o que ele ouve. Mas, o que pesou mais nos nossos corações como pais é ouvir da fonoaudióloga que Isaac sofre ao não conseguir se expressar verbalmente como ele quer.

O resultado, na prática, é que Isaac fará acompanhamento com terapeuta ocupacional 2 vezes na semana e, também, fazer acompanhamento fonoaudiológico 2 vezes por semana. A clínica é particular, então as sessões serão da nossa responsabilidade financeira, o que terá um impacto inesperado e significativo às nossas finanças.

Nossas crianças estão tendo aulas online desde março de 2020, e não acho que as aulas presenciais voltarão este ano. Por causa das dificuldades e desafios específicos do Isaac, aulas on-line têm sido um grande motivo de estresse e cansaço para ele e para mim (Tathiana). Eu acredito que ele esteja retendo aproximadamente 20% das matérias que ele assiste das aulas online, porque quando acompanho a lição de casa, percebo que ele sabe muito pouco da matéria já apresentada pela professora. Somando ainda que ele não lê no nível adequado para sua idade, tem um vocabulário limitado, e grande dificuldade em interpretar o sentido dos textos.

Eu admiro muito minhas amigas que conseguem fazer escola domiciliar, mas infelizmente esta não é minha realidade, nem a realidade que encaixa com a nossa família. Eu simplesmente não consigo e ainda ouso dizer que Isaac não me queira como professora. Estamos pedindo suas orações para tentar decidir como proceder com a educação do Isaac no meio de uma pandemia. Estamos considerando tirar ele da escola durante a realidade de aulas remotas e contratarmos um tutor particular, mas temos que pensar e avaliar os prós e contras desta decisão. A incerteza de tudo me deixa aflita.

Estamos no pior momento da pandemia em Belo Horizonte, enfrentando lockdown com toque de recolher, praças fechadas, hospitais perto de um colapso, e a perspectiva de manter 100% aulas online durante o resto desse ano de 2021. Não quero que o tom deste update seja reclamação, mas sim desabafo com amigos que se importam conosco. Às vezes penso que vou ficar louca; choro, depois relembro de duas coisas: primeiro, “'Assim, aproximemo-nos do trono da graça com toda a confiança, a fim de recebermos misericórdia e encontrarmos graça que nos ajude no momento da necessidade.” (Hebreus 4:16). E, segundo, que estamos saudáveis, no meio de tantos que estão lutando contra a doença e falta de esperança depois dessa vida. Amém! 

Obrigada por darem seus ouvidos 🙏,
Tathiana Elam

Motivos de oração:

  • Para que Deus providencie opções para acompanhamento clínico e escolar que caibam no nosso orçamento,

  • Saúde mental nossa e das crianças,

  • Saúde física para todos nós,

  • Proteção espiritual contra ataques invisíveis do inimigo contra nossa família.

Lonely BH, Once Again

Empty streets in BH due to COVID-19

Empty streets in BH due to COVID-19

Belo Horizonte (BH) is a lonely place, once again.

Our city has retreated back to only essential services as of Friday, March 5th. The COVID-19 scenario in Brazil and BH has worsened, and vaccination has not shaped up to be as organized or wide-spread as needed at this moment.

In the last weeks, we had the first in-person ministry event with students of the year, and our church was weekly increasing the number of people participating in-person. Everything has screeched to a halt for now, and we will be going back to basing our efforts and events via online access and socially-distanced formats.

It is a hard reality to accept, as things were ramping up, new relationships, depth of in-person interaction and studies. Pray for us! Pray for Brazil.

100% Year-End Goal

Before the year of 2020 laid its burdensome self to rest, our partners had already given hope for 2021. We reached 100%, and even beyond, our $6500 goal before January 1, 2021.

We are hopeful, humbled and honored to be part of a group of people who are committed to what God is doing in Belo Horizonte. To Him be the glory.

2020 Year-End Giving

What a year, am I right? 2020 brought several new things to our lives. And 2020 has also continued to bring some common realities. Year-End giving is one of those things that continues to be very important to our sustainability on the field.

For the past three years, Year-End giving, special one-time gifts, campaigns and the like have been the lifeline that our support account needed to be able to sustain the following year. This year is no different. 2020, COVID-19, quarantine was tough for life-on-life ministry, but the loss of a few more supporters has made these final months a bit tougher. Year-End giving is as vital as previous years.

We are aiming to raise $6500 in Year-End, one-time giving in December 2020 and January 2021 in order to realistically expect to finish 2021 in the black.

If any of our faithful supporters are able, we ask that you consider participating as so many have in the previous few years; and even ask new year-end givers to participate this year. 

We continue to believe in what we are doing here in Brazil. We pray that God would use our wonderful support team to continue to supply for our needs.

For online giving, follow this link:

Merry Christmas and Happy 2021!

Thankful 2020

This season of thanksgiving, we give thanks to you who support us in so many ways. As Jesus said, "...unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." John 12:23-26

Thank you each for being living examples of wheat that has produced beyond imagination!

Jon, Tathiana and family