
Trunk Space!

When Tathiana and I were in the US in 2011, one of our goals was to raise 1-time support for a vehicle upgrade.

With family plans in the near future (nearer than we thought) and our little car at the end of its financial usefulness, we were thinking about an upgrade to a mid-size sedan with a trunk! Not only do babies need a lot of stuff, but working with administration for events and retreats requires a good bit of stuff, also (sound and video equipment, materials for set-up, sports equipment, etc…). Our 10+ year-old hatchback was not cutting it anymore (picture, bottom).

So here it is, our new Chevrolet Cobalt sedan (picture, top), the dealership even gift-wrapped it for us! It has a spacious interior for 5 people, large trunk, ABS and double airbags. We have already put a few thousand kilometers on it, filled it full of stuff for retreats and events, and are getting it broken-in for little Elam to arrive at the end of the year.

Thank you to all our supporters who gave to help this become a reality. In a big city like BH and a big country like Brazil with not-so-great highways, this is something that makes a world of difference.

The Support Triangle

In a few days I will be talking to you in person. On October 23rd, I am catching a plane and arriving in Birmingham to spend the rest of 2011 running the Birmingham-Chattanooga-Atlanta triangle to work on support raising. I want to see everyone. So get ready.
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Cost of Living in Brazil

In my almost 10 years in Belo Horizonte, Brazil I have seen the exchange rate compared to the US Dollar oscillate from almost 4:1 in 2003 to a 10-year record low of 1.53:1 just a few months ago. When I moved here in I shared a large 4-bedroom apartment that initially cost around $250 US Dollars per month total – not per person. I currently live in a 3-bedroom apartment for almost $1000 US Dollars per month.
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