Graphic Design and Communications 2017

As part of the Resource Team for our ministry, I get to work on communications and graphics projects from time to time. I enjoy those days where I can put other tasks aside and focus on other deadlines for more creative objectives. Often you guys, my supporters, do not get to see this side, as almost always these projects are destined for a Brazilian public and are published in Portuguese. Below I have highlighted a few of my favorites just to keep everyone in the loop.

Our coffee-house discussion group event has been gaining momentum as a great tool for our engaging students and recent grads for a few years now. Café com Prosa, as we call it, has had several series of themed discussions that begin with an introduction, then the group breaks up into smaller facilitated discussions groups where we try hard to create an environment where students can voice their opinions and beliefs. Below are a few of the themed series' images. (click images to enlarge)

ENGLISH: What Moves You?

ENGLISH: Skeptic: in what do YOU trust?

ENGLISH: It's all Good, It's Alright

Also, I help with our church, Comunidade Horizonte, with communications and images for sermon series. Below are the past two, for series that went through Hebrews and currently through 1 and 2 Peter. (click images to enlarge)

ENGLISH: Hebrews: Jesus is better

ENGLISH: Dear Exiles: the letters of Peter



Lastly, the past years we have ben developing an English-learning initiative called "GringoEnglish". Gringo in Brazilian Portuguese just means, "foreigner". It is a work in progress, and we hope it will be a long-term branch of our ministry to increase contact with students and even provide financial support for our Brazilian staff. I had the privilege to be a lead developer of the brand, logo and this flyer for the 2017 classes.