Change Your World 2012

Each year during vacation time in the US we receive students from other Campus Outreach franchises for a few months to walk alongside us here in Belo Horizonte. This year, a team from CO Birmingham, made up of students from Troy Univ. and Berry College, is getting to know Brazil and its college students.

This team is working with both our campus teams, at UFMG and PUC-Minas. Our staff and students on campus enjoy this exchange experience because there are events, out-of-town trips, and a good bit of what Brazilians are good at – hanging out and talking about their lives.

Our theme this year is “Change Your World”, an idea that begins with the fact most college students have a desire to change their own world through a degree, and even the whole world in view of so many problems that they face today. Because of this common thread, we also ask students to consider what role God would play in changing the world, and begin to talk about some pretty powerful statements of Jesus.

All this is in the hope that students who usually disregard Jesus as antiquated and irrelevant to their lives would begin to ask questions and investigate for themselves who Jesus is and what they think about him.

We believe Jesus is relevant, and we are asking God to use us to make himself known here on the campuses of Belo Horizonte.

Growing Staff Team

Two new staff interns joined our team this year. Wellinton Alves and Nathália Santos are working part-time this year with our campus team at UFMG.

Working for a ministry like Campus Outreach is a hard decision for graduates here in Brazil. Most college graduates have a small window of opportunity to make the most of their new degree in the job market. One way we have chosen to ease the negative risk in coming on staff is to begin each new national staffer with a one-year internship. After this first year, we can better evaluate if staff is a good fit for the person, or if it would be best for them to continue on to the job market.

Wellinton and Nathália were both students at UFMG and are currently working on that campus. They both are working part-time in their field of study while also working part-time with Campus Outreach.