Tathiana and our staff ladies at a retreat.We have hit the home stretch. It’s November, and Isaac will be here sometime this month. Tathiana is doing well; no health issues for her or the baby, nursery pretty much ready, hospital bag packed and doctor appointments scheduled. If only the Brazilian summer heat would ease a bit, 9 months pregnant and 90º heat don’t make for a enjoyable tandem.
We will be sure to post photos via Facebook and website, so stay tuned. Life and ministry are about to change as we know them!
Pray for these specific things:
- For the delivery, a C-section (because of a surgery that Tathiana had on her legs when she was a child), so that always is a bit scary, and the recovery is longer.
- For Isaac to get through the first days with no health problems, feeding issues or infections.
- For Tathiana to rest and recover as she adjusts to full-time mommying.
- For Jon to have the heart of a servant beyond his natural ability, to have the heart of Jesus.