Sara is here!

Sara Isabel Elam, born Oct 26th, 2016

The fact that this is month late in announcing tells a lot about how the transition from 1 child to 2 has gone for mom and dad. But no matter how many non-quality-rest nights and how hectic running around a busy big city with two small ones gets, we are so very happy and excited to welcome the newest Elam baby to the world and to our craziness that we call life!

Sara Isabel Elam arrived at 8:07am on October 26th, healthy and quiet. She was 6 lbs, 2 oz (2.660 kg) and 18 in (46 cm). Mom and baby girl had a non-eventful stay at the hospital, and we all went home in a a few days.

Isaac is getting used to the idea of "Baby Sara" and is already asking to hold her and help when she cries. He's going to be a great big brother. 

At some point in 2017 we will likely make a trip to the US and then you all can see that she's the cutest baby ever. Until then, please pray for our little girl, her growth and health and for mom and dad to get some rest!

Isaac's Journey [ENGLISH]


This has been a post that I've put off for a while, because I don't really know how to write it. It may come out like a journal entry - but here we go.

Isaac is our first-born; he's almost 4. This year he's had a bit of a journey, and has taken Tathiana and I along for the ride. It began when his pre-school, which we think is great, suggested that their school psychologist observe Isaac a bit. We agreed and she proceeded to spend several hours over the course of several weeks observing. Afterward, Tathiana and I sat down with her and proceeded to hear that it might be worth consulting with a clinical child psychologist because Isaac does present some signs of potential risk toward a learning disorder, or an even more severe issue like Autism or Asperger's. As you can imagine, that was not easy to hear. We knew he likes to be alone sometimes and is a bit rigid, but hearing from some professionals who seem to really have genuine desire for Isaac's best interests motivated us to seek some help.

We began weekly therapy with a very well-recommended child psychiatrist/psychologist who specializes in early intervention here in Belo Horizonte. We have enjoyed her interaction with Isaac, her interest in helping us find other means of intervention, her instruction to Tathiana and me in how to interact with Isaac, and her explanations to us in parent conferences about what she is observing. We feel very confident with her and in her desire to help Isaac develop.

These weekly sessions have been ongoing for 6 months now. There are good times and bad times for us as we wade through the haze of just what God is doing and how Isaac is developing as a little person. We have received some second opinions and, also, involved Isaac in complementary group sessions and speech therapy.

To sum it all up, if Isaac does present a learning disability or other issue, we are calmed by the fact that he has been responding well to therapy and the consensus is his signs are mild at most. Everyone has commented on how intelligent Isaac is, and how he is sensitive to others - so there no real concern for any lack of mental capacity. We have appreciated that the professionals aiding him have been hesitant to give an official diagnosis due to his young age and mild signs. We have decided to establish only 1 language at home, Portuguese, to help him gain some independence in his language skills in preparation for actual school (which he will start in Feb of 2017 per Brazilian law). Lastly, God has given us some unexpected opportunities for Isaac to interact with more children, and time away from our apartment to be free to run, play and even argue with other kids. He is still using diapers, so there's still some things to work through - even if in our own hearts.

This has all been an exhausting journey both emotionally and financially. But as any parent will say, we'll sacrifice anything for the good of our baby boy. We have made it this far with a positive perspective for our little boy and his future. Kids are resilient, parents not so much! These next 6 months will be interesting as we welcome another baby into our home, and as Isaac likely begins school. We appreciate any and all prayers now for the next season that awaits the Elam's in Brazil.

A Jornada do Isaac [PORTUGUÊS]

For English click HERE

Este post demorou para sair, e, honestamente, é porque eu não sabia como escrevê-lo.

Nosso primogênito, Isaac, tem quase 4 anos. Este ano, ele embarcou em uma jornada, e eu e Tathiana pegamos carona junto com ele. Tudo começou quando a coordenadora do maternal de sua escolinha, que achamos ser um amor de pessoa e respeitamos sua opinião, sugeriu que a psicóloga da escola observasse o Isaac. Estando nós de acordo, a psicóloga passou a observo-lo na sua interação com outras crianças ao longo de algumas semanas. Passado esse período, eu e Tathiana nos encontramos com ela. Recebemos a opinião de que valeria a pena consultar com um profissional clínico especialista em crianças. Em sua opinião, Isaac apresentava alguns sinais de risco potencialmente ligados a um transtorno ou algo ainda como autismo ou Asperger. Como poderia imaginar, não foi nada fácil ouvir isso. Já havíamos percebido que Isaac gosta, às vezes, de ficar sozinho e que, para certos comportamentos, é um pouco rígido. Porém, ouvir tal orientação de profissionais que parecem ter um desejo genuíno pelo bem do Isaac, nos motivou a buscar ajuda para nosso filho.

Desde então, Isaac começou sessões de terapia semanais com uma psicóloga /psiquiatra recomendadíssima em Belo Horizonte, especialista em intervenção precoce. Temos apreciado sua interação com ele, seu interesse em nos ajudar a achar outros meios de auxílio e sua instrução para mim e Tathiana sobre como interagir com Isaac. Temos nos sentido muito confiantes a seu respeito e sobre seu desejo de ajudar o Isaac a se desenvolver.

Em resumo, se Isaac realmente tiver algum atraso de aprendizado ou qualquer outra questão mais severa, temos nos acalmado pelo fato de que ele tem respondido bem à terapia e de que o consenso profissional é que seus sinais são leves. Todos comentam sobre como Isaac é inteligente (o que ele realmente é!), e sobre a sensibilidade que ele tem aos outros. Portanto, não há preocupações maiores sobre sua capacidade mental. Estamos agradecidos pelo fato de que os profissionais que atendem Isaac hesitam em definir um diagnóstico devido à sua tão jovem idade e sinais leves. Decidimos estabelecer apenas o português como idioma em casa, a fim de auxiliá-lo a ganhar mais independência na fala em preparo para o começo das aulas em 2017. E, por fim, Deus tem provido oportunidades inesperadas para que isaac interaja com outras crianças e tenha tempo fora do ambiente fechado de um apartamento correndo, brincando e até brigando com outras crianças. Ele continua usando fralda, portanto ainda há algumas coisas a serem trabalhadas, mesmo que seja questões a serem trabalhadas em nossos próprios corações, como pais.

Esta jornada já nos trouxe um grande desgaste tanto emotivo quanto financeiro. Entretanto, como qualquer pai faria, sacrificaremos qualquer coisa para o bem do nosso filho amado. Chegamos até aqui com uma perspectiva positiva para Isaac e seu futuro. Essa meninada de hoje geralmente superam as coisas facilmente, já os pais... não muito! Estes próximos 6 meses serão no mínimo interessantes, porque receberemos nossa nova filha aqui em casa e porque Isaac iniciará um ritmo escolar mais intenso. Desde já, agradecemos a todos pelas orações, desde já, pela próxima etapa de vida dos Elam aqui no Brasil.

Leadership Team 2016

A big change in my role this year has been participation in a newly formed Leadership Team for CO Belo Horizonte. It is a small group of veteran staff, each with an Area of Responsibility seeking to maintain and direct the Vision, to Shepherd our team and to be primarily Executive in our decisions. 

In July of this year (2016), our Director, Demps Dempsey, and his family began a 1 year Sabbatical. Leading up to this, there was much discussion about how to fill the leadership gap during his absence, but also in how to move towards sustainability in our Brazilian context looking towards the future. The idea of a specific leadership team collective, rather than a top-down single Director was discussed as something that might be an option for our reality. So this current Leadership Team is our first trial run. Then, when Demps returns, the goal is for him to be freed-up to focus on coaching, shepherding and vison-casting for the future and expansion with the Leadership team functioning to guide the grassroots ministry and infrastructure. 

So, this next year is sure to be the busiest ever, with retaining my Resource Director responsibilities, Leadership Team, participation in church leadership as an elder, and still leading myself and my family with a new baby arriving in October. It's a lot, but I am trying very hard to remember what the Lord said to Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Please pray with me that I may have the same response as Paul did, "Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me."

My Dream Team

This is my team, my specialized squad within our greater CO Belo Horizonte team: Fabiana Vidal in the middle, and Pedro Albuquerque to the right. We are referred to as the Resource Team. We do a multitude of things, but our greatest goal is support the front-line campus staff and their ministry.

Five years ago I stepped into the role of Resource Director. It was a bit nebulous as to what I would do, but I knew that my temperament, gifts, habilites and commitment to the vision of Campus Outreach would serve me well in this administrative role. The idea of supporting the ministry and being a "RESOURCE" to our team and organization really excited me. I had lots of help from some people before me who paved some of the roads, lots of help around me from our church administrator in conjunction with other Resource Staff in the US and help alongside me from some of our staff who were serving dual roles on the campus and resource teams.

However, sadly, I grinded away for the first few years doing a lot on my own. I am a doer by nature; so, I did... and did a lot. But there was always more than I could handle, or projects that were beyond my ability to resolve. By God's grace, he began to work through my Director, Demps Dempsey, and others to help bring a team around me. Not just warm bodies, but a team! A team composed of people who are darn good at what they do and equally committed to the vision of "building laborers on the campus for lost world" here in Brazil.

Fabiana is my sister-in-law. We go way back. I've been Fabiana's friend, family, campus director, roommate and now Resource Director. She concentrates on Event Planning and Assisting our Director, Demps. Pedro is a privilege to have beside me. I met him as a high-schooler, saw him give his life to Christ, discipled him throughout college, walked with him during his dating relationship and recent marriage, recruited him, hired him to work with me and one day believe he take over my job as Resource Director.

I've wanted to write this post for a while, but, recently, I have been humbled by their work ethic and excellence in serving our team in their roles and gifting. I thank God for allowing me to lead them, and desire to be used to develop them for a life of impact in His harvest field.


Baby #2 on the Way

We are officially communicating to the world that Tathiana is pregnant! Baby #2 is a little girl, set to arrive around the end of October, 2016. That baby bump is already showing, and Isaac is beginning to understand the baby in Tathiana's tummy is for real!

We have several months to prepare for her arrival. We will be doing some adjustments in the apartment, purchasing baby things that we borrowed for Isaac's infancy, purchasing cute-little-dainty-girl things and some investing some specific time and efforts in our Family and Marriage before she arrives (more about this in a later post).

We wanted to share the good news, and have you all celebrate and thank God with us for this new life to care for and raise in the love of the Lord.


Computer Theft

Tracking my stolen Macbook... the name had already been changed to "gaga"

The bad news is someone broke into our office and stole my notebook computer and new backpack about one month ago. It happened in broad daylight on a Monday during lunch, and we're not sure how. But the tracking option on my computer sure tells me it was not in my office anymore and that someone tried to connect it to the internet.

The good news is that I had recently met another American staying for two months in Belo Horizonte, and he sold me his computer that was newer than my stolen one and in really good condition. Buying this computer from him in Brazil was much, much cheaper than buying one from a store in Brazil, and also cheaper than purchasing in the US and having to declare it in customs upon entry into Brazil and pay the tariffs. (Thanks Rob Adams Films!) God oddly works things out when we sometimes don't think He will.

So, this was a round about way of getting a computer upgrade! Our office insurance should help pay for some of the loss, but my backpack and cherished items like my Swiss Army knife that I got for my 15th birthday are gone, and that's hard to be cheerful about.

Just wanted to share the ups and downs from the field.